My First Orgami Airplane!

If I might say so myself.. I don’t make things very often… Mathematical things, with shapes and sizes, I do far better with writing a 1,000 word essay paper..

But today, Benjamin, my 5 year old had to have me make him an airplane..

I felt like I was losing my eyesight, my right mind and my state of consciousness all at the same time..

Originally, I said.. Wait until your daddy gets home then ask him to make it for you, as for me I don’t know how to make all that stuff. But he was determined and frustrating himself at trying..

I got Aniah some paint and paper and she was satisfied and thought as I walked off, why couldn’t it be so easy for Benjamin.. I mean that literally, not a euphemism.

I made at least 7 of these things, just trying to follow the video, without words.. It is far easier to crochet, let me tell you.. This little kid would not give up on it though…

I kept trying, I had done one completely wrong and told him.. “Next time my son, I will make a better one!” but right now leave me alone.. He stayed on it..

Imagine that by the time I finished, this little joker had left out of the room and had not a care in the world for an airplane.. By now my head is hurting and I am just about ready to throw up, I have been trying so hard to make this thing.. and he doesn’t even want it anymore..

I could eat a cheeseburger right about now..!

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